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Missed Class & Late Arrival Policy

At the Academy, we understand that sometimes you may need to miss a class. However, due to the nature of our classes and the way that we teach you topics progressively, it is important to try not to miss any classes. If you miss a class, you may find it difficult to continue on until you have made up the missed class. While we will do all that we reasonably can to assist students to catch up on missed classes, the Academy of Makeup is under no obligation to provide catch up classes for any student.


We keep a record of your attendance and take the role each day. We understand that sometimes it may be out of your control to arrive on time. All Students are granted a 30 minute grace period for such events. After the 30minute grace period has passed Students will not be able to enter class and will be marked as absent. This policy has been devised in consultation with Students who feel that classes are interrupted by late attendees, which impacts on their work and interupts the day’s demonstrations that are conducted first thing in the morning.


If you are late, the amount of time by which you are late will be noted against your name on the role. This time may be accumulated, and for example, if this time amounts to 6 hours of lateness, you will be deemed to have missed 1 full day of class.


If you are sick you must provide a doctor’s certificate for any classes that you miss. If you do not provide a doctor’s certificate, then we are not obliged to allow you to attend a catch up session or another course to make up the missed classes.


Diploma/Certificate IV students cannot miss more than 12 days of their course. If you miss more than 12 days, you may not be eligible to receive your qualification. Certificate students cannot miss more than 3 days of their course. If you miss more than 3 days, you may not be eligible to receive your qualification. Attendance is monitored, and also a requirement for successful completion of a student’s qualification.


Diploma students can make up missed classes, as in each Study period you are allocated 2 practice classes and 2 assessment days in your training plan.

We encourage you to attend these classes to finalise any outstanding work. If you fail to attend the days allocated in your training plan to catch up and complete your assessments you will not be able to pass that Unit of study. If you wish to catch up or conclude your assessment outside of the allocated dates in your training plan of that study period a fee of $75.00 per hour will be charged to accommodate your request which will be at a time nominated by Academy of Makeup.


Students do not have an automatic right to attend another class and should not rely on this option as a guaranteed way of catching up on missed classes.

You must book with your Trainer to advise on which day you will be attending the allocated catch up classes in your training plan.


It is your responsibility to check with your trainer as to whether you must arrange to bring your own model if you are catching up on a missed class. In most cases, you will have to bring your own model. If you fail to arrange a model when you are required to bring one, you may not be permitted to stay.


In some cases, students will not be permitted to attend the next course if we believe that there is too large a period of time between the missed class and the same class in the next course.


Despite the 12 and 3 day allowances for missed classes, we may require you to catch up on a missed class if it was an assessment or if the techniques being taught in that class were so important that, in our opinion, you should learn those techniques.


If a work experience opportunity causes you to miss a class and you are over the 3 or 12 day allowance, you must hand in a report outlining the work experience and also explaining why attending the work experience justified missing class. If you do this, the missed class may not be counted in your missed class allowance.


In some cases, you may have to make up a missed class in your own time. This involves reading the notes, obtaining and studying the notes taken by another student during the demonstration and applying the techniques on your own model out of class. If you are required to make up a class in your own time, you must provide us with a photograph of your work, signed by your model to confirm that you completed the technique.


  1. Call the Academy to let us know that you will be away.
  2. Ensure you get a doctor’s certificate so that you can give us a copy.
  3. Read through the notes for your missed class before you return to class.
  4. Have a go at doing the technique that was taught before you return to class.
  5. Obtain a copy of the demonstration notes taken by another student.
  6. If necessary, now have another attempt at doing the technique.

Speak to the Head Trainer, to see what you need to do regarding the missed class