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Access and Equity Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline the Academy of Makeup’s commitment to providing all students, including prospective students, with an equal opportunity to pursue their training and development. It is also to show the Academy of Makeup’s commitment to the principles of access, equity and anti-discrimination.

To this end, the Academy aims to ensure that:

  • all students and prospective students will be treated fairly;
  • our student selection procedures are open, fair and transparent procedures that are based on merit for making decisions about the selection and treatment of students and prospective students;
  • we will always provide information to students and prospective students, that demonstrates that they will not be discriminated against in any way;
  • our decision making process will be based on merit and will treat all students fairly;
  • each student will have access to the level of support required to enable them to reach their full potential without it causing unjustifiable hardship to the Academy of Makeup;
  • access and equity principles will be applied to all aspects of our operations, promoting full and equal opportunities for all applicants, students and clients;
  • no person will be discriminated against, harassed or treated unfairly in their dealings with the Academy of Makeup and Hair;
  • we will ensure that our policies and procedures will be published and made publicly available; and
  • we will comply with relevant Equal Opportunity Legislation and Discrimination Acts.


This Access and Equity policy applies to the Academy of Makeup’s liaison with all applicants, students, and family members of students, as well as industry, administrative and training staff.

Recruitment and Enrolment

Prospective students are recruited responsibly and ethically at all times and recruitment will be consistent with any curriculum requirements.

The Academy is committed to non-discrimination in any form when recruiting and selecting students who have applied to enroll. Following the completion of questions that the prospective student must complete on the enrolment form, appropriately qualified staff will then determine whether their qualifications and skills are sufficient for entry into their selected course, and if they will be likely to lead the applicant to successful achievement of target competencies.

Flexible Delivery

The Academy recognises the principles of flexible delivery, and, where possible, has designed course delivery to maximise the opportunity for access and participation by disadvantaged students. Flexible delivery alternatives may include full time/part time (after hours) attendance,

one-on-one personal tuition, demonstrations, practical workshops and supervised work experience.

Because of the practical and hands on nature of the courses offered, the Academy of Makeup can only apply flexible learning principles to theoretical subject areas. These include self-paced and self-directed learning where possible. Online, or distance learning are not offered by the Academy of Makeup.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC)

RPL or RCC is offered to all enrolling students and discussed upon application. Where the student’s qualifications have been issued under the Australian Qualifications Framework, the Academy has an obligation to recognise those Qualifications or Statements of Attainment where any other Registered Training Organisation has issued them.

We recognize that students learn from work or life experience as well as through their study. As such, we recognise prior educational achievements gained by students and this basis we may grant a competency for subjects in our courses based on a student’s previous learning experiences. Previous learning may have occurred through courses provided by professional bodies, voluntary associations, private enterprise, work or other forms of practical and life experience. Recognising prior learning or recognition of current competencies means that students may not have to re-learn skills and knowledge already gained.

Students must provide evidence of prior learning or current competencies and this evidence may include (but is not limited to) certified copies of relevant Statements of Attainment of Certificates issued by another RTO under the Australian Qualifications Framework, current resumes, position descriptions, employer reference relating to the student’s experience, performance appraisals, portfolio or photographs of previous work or a demonstration of skills.

Due to the practical and integrated nature of our classes students may still be required to attend classes even though their prior learning or current competencies are recognised. While the Academy will endeavor to offer flexible training arrangements, students should also note that the practical & integrated nature of our classes means that the Academy may only be able to offer training at certain times and locations.



The Academy of Makeup recognises and values the individual differences of its students and the student community they create and recognises that students come into its facilities with a wealth of personal knowledge and life experiences.

Diversity is an opportunity to enrich and extend opportunities for all, by creating an inclusive environment for all people regardless of their background. The Academy of Makeup achieves this by:

  • providing a welcoming and supportive training environment;
  • offering flexibility in the way in which training and assessment is provided;
  • where possible, providing reasonable adjustments to training and assessment activities;
  • having clear and transparent student and staff recruitment, and selection, procedures
  • determining the needs of all individuals upon initial contact with the Academy; and
  • providing students, staff and clients access to a range of support services.



In accordance with legislation, no person or organisation will be treated unfairly or discriminated against, on the basis of age, colour, race, gender, religious or political conviction, sexuality, ability or disability, location, family responsibilities, membership or non-membership of an association or for any other stereotypical or illegal reason.

The Academy of Makeup prohibits discrimination towards any group or individuals in any form, irrespective of:

  • gender;
  • pregnancy;
  • race, colour, nationality, ethnic or ethno-religious background;
  • marital status;
  • sexuality;
  • age;
  • mental and/or physical


The Academy of Makeup is committed to providing all people with an environment free from all forms of harassment and will not tolerate any behavior that harms, intimidates, threatens, victimises, offends, degrades or humiliates another person.


The principles and practices adopted by the Academy of Makeup aim to ensure, that current and prospective students, clients and other stakeholders are treated fairly and equitably in their dealings with the Academy of Makeup.

The Academy of Makeup aims to provide open, fair, clear and transparent policies and procedures for use by staff and students.

The Academy of Makeup has fair and equitable processes for selecting students for enrolment into its courses.

Decisions about student selection are based on clearly defined entry requirements. Entry requirements as well as application and enrolment procedures are contained in the student Information kit, as well as published on the Academy of Makeup’s website.

All people will be treated courteously and expeditiously throughout the process of enquiry, acceptance and enrolment, as well as throughout their participation at a course.


Exclusion from services

In some instances, we may exclude a person from access our services if:

  • they have a criminal history that impacts on the requirements of the course or vocation of the area being studied;
  • the student requires delivery in a language other than that being offered by the Academy of Makeup in accordance with the related Training Package; or
  • the student requires special services or facilities and provision of such that would cause unjustifiable hardship to the Academy of Makeup.


Equity in Access

The Academy of Makeup provides equity in access to the level of training and support required by each student. All students are supported in a manner that enables them to achieve their full potential and success in their training outcomes. All students are provided with opportunities to develop and successfully gain skills, knowledge and experience through education and training.

The Academy of Makeup provides equitable access to training and education services by:

  • offering culturally appropriate training and assessment resources that are relevant to student needs and circumstances;
  • referring students to support and counseling services where needed;
  • offering a wide range of course and learning options;
  • encouraging students to be involved in their own feedback and decision making processes to ensure realistic training goals and progress.